This Website Will Be Moving Soon

I'm already working on the new one but I don't have an estimate of when it will be "ready enough" to share the link. If you want to contact me please send an IM in Kitely to Koshari Mahana. Thanks!

Visit Four Winds on Coopersville in Kitely:

Coopersville Main Landing

Four Winds Rentals

I can't tell you how many 100s of times someone has asked me if any of my homes are for rent. I've always had to answer no, they are just for sale. Then I hear, "but I don't have any land". I've finally come up with a small solution for those people. I purchased several parcels on two different mainland sims and have set up mostly cottages but also a couple of the small victorians too and I have made these for rent by the week.

Many of you own your own land or lease on one of the themed sims... so this would not appeal to you, but some of you like to rent and don't have a lot of money to put out what it takes to acquire land initially and then have the house take away from the prim count. What I've done is set these parcel up, partially landscapes, all with homes and none of this counts against ones prims. This comes out to be a great savings for the renter because they get more usable prims for their money.

I've put together a notecard with all of my current rentals, but there is also a little office set up where you can view them all at once via a rental vendor. You can IM me for the notecard or visit the little office I've set up with a vendor and teleport landmarks to the different homes.

@ Nov 26, 2009

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