Mar 29, 2016

Big Changes at Four Winds

There are a few big changes that I'm making. The first is that I'm giving up my region Four Winds in InWorldz and instead I'm renting a lot for my rezzing vendors. All of my homes and shops (Victorian, Vintage, Medieval and Fantasy) will all still be available through the rezzing vendors. Here is the location:

The next big change is that I now have 4 regions in Kitely and one in The Great Canadian Grid.

To see my regions in Kitley, login to the world and type this in search: Winds The main landing area is at: 415, 415, 22

I also have most of my builds available on the Kitely Market:

I may be bringing some of my more popular builds back into Second Life over the next month, but I don't have a definite time frame on that. There is a lot going on right now :)